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Preaching by: John J. Malone, Sr - JABSBG*

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How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed ? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher ? – Romans 10:14

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. – Romans 1:16


Is the Papacy Dead? - Comments (6)

Printer Friendly Category: Applied,Articles,Roman Catholicism
Author: John Malone
Date: 12th April, 2005 @ 05:08:51 AM

Is the Papacy dead? Hardly.

The latest Pope is dead and buried. It’s all I can do but get sick over the fawning over a man who, during his life, led more people toward the lake of fire than anyone else in this century. Considering the length of his tenure, he ranks near the top of the all-time list of deceivers.

That’s in the press poll if not in the coaches’ poll.

The Bible And The Death Penalty. - Comments (3)

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Author: John Malone
Date: 6th April, 2005 @ 02:35:16 AM

The death penalty is once again in the news as Amnesty International continues along its altered agenda to help eliminate it worldwide. I say altered agenda because, as one can learn from the AI web site, it began as an organization opposing political injustice, not the death penalty itself.

It has been a very effective campaign by the forces of lawlessness in the heavens to effect the abolition of the cornerstone of human government throughout the world. In fact, according to AI, only Belarus and Uzbekistan stand in the way of all of Central Asia and Europe being completely without the death penalty.

My Papal Prediction. - Comments (5)

Printer Friendly Category: Applied,Articles,Roman Catholicism
Author: John Malone
Date: 4th April, 2005 @ 06:20:58 PM

It seems like many pundits are trying to guess the next Pope. I’d like to achieve “pundit status” myself, so I think I’ll take a shot at it.

Sodomites New Beach Head: Jerusalem - Comments (2)

Printer Friendly Category: Articles
Author: John Malone
Date: 1st April, 2005 @ 11:38:36 PM

According to a NY Times article today, homosexuals are organizing a parade in Jerusalem this coming August.

Of course, the article details how religions (Muslim, Catholic, and Orthodox Jewish) are organizing together to stem the tide, in order to “win” this “culture war.”

Easter Sunday Show: $24.95 - Comments (1)

Printer Friendly Category: Applied,Articles
Author: John Malone
Date: 31st March, 2005 @ 06:53:42 AM

I was talking to an older woman this week, and we both had the same unanswered question: how much did it cost for a church to have segments of “The Passion of the Christ” playing in their theatres in “celebration” of Easter?

I found the answer: $24.95.

The Mystery Of Lawlessness At Work - Comments (15)

Printer Friendly Category: Articles
Author: John Malone
Date: 30th March, 2005 @ 01:01:58 PM

The Bible discusses the {mystery of lawlessness (iniquity)|2Th 2:7}.

Christians today need to be informing themselves about the various “mysteries,” especially because ALL the deeper matters of Scripture are predicated upon understanding them.

    They are:

  1. {Of the kingdom of the heavens|Mat 13:11}
  2. {Israel’s partial and temporary blindness|Rom 11:25}
  3. {the church Christ’s body|Eph 5:32}
  4. {the hope of Gentile glory|Col 1:27}
  5. {the rapture of the believers|1Cor 15:51}
  6. {iniquity (lawlessness)|2Th 2:7}
  7. {godliness|1Ti 3:16}
  8. {7 stars and 7 candlesticks|Rev 1:20}
  9. {Babylon|Rev 17:5}
  10. {the woman carried by the beast|Rev 17:7}


Is “Terri” Really a First? - Comments (1)

Printer Friendly Category: Applied,Articles
Author: John Malone
Date: 29th March, 2005 @ 07:45:29 AM

The Terri Schiavo case might be a bit unique in that it is about a bigamist (or polygamist) and alienated husband (with some money) denying a handicapped wife food and water, but it is BY NO MEANS UNIQUE as far as killing the handicapped under the guise of mercy and care.

I have been a first-hand witness of numerous attempts to kill a handicapped child, and except for rather extraordinary determination by parents and some well-meaning others against the “medical establishment at work,” that child would have been outright murdered (with parental participation!) by those who profess to care for the child, even while the same ones line their pockets with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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