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Preaching by: John J. Malone, Sr - JABSBG*

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Right of Attila the Hun. - Comments (0)

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Author: John Malone
Date: 12th February, 2014 @ 06:47:04 AM

It’s been quite a few years ago that I was introduced as being “Somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun,” by a friend of mine. I’m misunderstood. Sometimes I revel in that. I try to stay principled. I think that’s the only way to live.

So in my experiences lately of trying to function as both salt to the earth as well as light to the world, the call to faithfulness of every Christian, I have set about in my local community to confront lawless government.

That has led me to represent myself in Court as a citizen advocate. I have received injunctive relief against the City of Omaha because it implemented an illegal set of ordinances to license virtually everyone that does any work on real property. I am attempting to stop the City of Omaha from illegally appropriating tax money to the state-supported university.

Recently I have been watching the city of Fremont, NE try to drive the illegal aliens out of their city. It’s incipient xenophobia. Now, there is no doubt that illegal aliens crossing our borders is a problem. It is a problem of failed government. But what Fremont citizens are doing is truly the stuff of pitchforks and lanterns, as they have set about a licensing scheme of all rental real estate AND all renters. That’s right, license everything.

First, let me say that Fremont has always been a city dominated by Masonic elements and therefore has become the kind of community brought about by that secret society.

As far as I can tell, there isn’t a gospel-preaching church in the whole town.

It has failed to grow because it is run my local monopolistic interests. Sort of reminds me a bit of the town of Millard NE, annexed several years ago by Omaha, which is now looking a lot like a ghost town. A lot like Fremont. I wonder if there is a single Jewish family in the entire town.

I pretty much expect Fremonters to tell me: “We’ve handled the Jews, and we’ve handled the blacks, and we sure are going to handle these browns.”

Now here is the paradox in all this. Who do you suppose lined up behind this movement to license all rental real estate and all renters in the Fremont city limits? “Conservatives.” And of course, the expedient bunch of unprincipled politicos that adhere to “conservatives” like barnacles (or,maggots?) – the Republicans.

I have many Republican friends, though I have never been one. And I’m still a Bible Christian. Before I was saved, I was far, far more radical than my Democrat registration described. Of course, today Hubert Humphrey would be to the right of John Boehner, and George Bush, but leave that. I was a definite lefty. I met real communists. I also saw the Civil Rights Movement get hijacked by Sodomites, but I’m working on another article for that.

Anyway, I say all this to explain why it is I have come to my political conclusion on the state of American politics: I left the Democrat party over 35 years ago because they held wrong principles. I’ve never joined the Republicans because they have none.

Watching Republicans and conservatives parade and prate about what a wonderful thing they have achieved in Fremont – by seizing fundamental liberty away from every citizen in Fremont – is exactly the kind of thing I’ve come to expect from Republicans. Just as the Omaha Republicans seized on licensing nearly every man that works with his hands in Omaha.

Republicans stand no more for freedom that Democrats. They are both becoming more and more like Nazi parties. They will have brownshirts at our doors soon enough. In Omaha they have criminalized work. In Fremont, they have denied property owners an important right. The right to rent out your property without governmental permission. The right to rent a property without government permission.

I’m pretty sure I’m one of the only guys around that thinks that seizing liberty from the people is contrary to both Americanism and Christianity.

Even if it does serve the interests of local anti-christian xenophobia.

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