Bible Teaching aimed at helping you enjoy the Scriptures which are the Word of GOD!
Preaching by: John J. Malone, Sr - JABSBG*
Category: Articles
Author: John Malone
Date: 11th February, 2014 @ 12:36:58 AM
Every time I look “over there,” at Israel, I see a nation out of whack. Israel just cannot find its place in this world, and it won’t until Messiah comes. Devout Jews agree with this.
When Messiah RETURNS – the Scriptures are clear that Messiah needed to suffer death – David will be running Jerusalem here on earth, but the economy of Jerusalem will be so massive that there will plenty of room for all of Abraham’s children, including a heavenly sphere where God’s heavenly people, those He is calling out today.
Just as Abraham looked for a city with permanence, so do I. And I sincerely hope so does everyone.
We Bible Christians do not lust after Jerusalem as do others because we know there is coming a heavenly city, the dimensions of which are closer to the size of the land promised to Abraham – from the Euphrates to the Nile – than to the tiny city on earth. This city, being pyramidical in its dimension – having as it does a 1,500 mile length, width, and height – will have plenty of room for God’s heavenly people. {If it were not so, He would have told us.|Jo 14:1-3}
There is a New Jerusalem, and it’s not the old Jerusalem. In fact, we anticipate, and we see, the Jerusalem of today slide into a moral abyss. It will get worse. Yet we continue to {pray for the peace of Jerusalem.|Psa 122:6} even as we continue to watch it decline until the day it is spiritually called “Sodom” and “Egypt.”
The earthly Jerusalem belongs to God’s people Israel, the title deed is in the Scriptures. This is why I cannot understand Jewish people who reject the authority of the Scriptures, and yet hold to Zionism.
This is patently incompatible, as the horrors of the holocaust do not logically devolve into a title deed. “Holocausts” are the natural result of envious nations. The nations are envious of Israel’s first-born national status, which, today, has been set aside, together with the nation itself, by God Himself.
I have met many, many Jews who set aside the Scriptures as not written by God, and yet insist on holding out for Jerusalem as belonging to the nation of Israel. I recall one time I was allowed to speak briefly – very briefly – at a synagogue in town, after listening to a speaker carry on for about 20 minutes how it was that Moses did not write the Torah.
I asked him why he was pulling the title deed away from Israel for the land, and the meeting ended on that controversy, the presiding Rabbi assuring me that not all Jews believe and teach such as what I heard.
I realize it is difficult for us Bible Christians to get an audience with sincere Jewish people about what the Scriptures say, but it helps when we agree that they ARE the Scriptures.
When we discover Jewish people looking forward to Messiah, our hearts are warmed knowing that they are not far from the kingdom of God, which, first and foremost, was and is prepared for God’s only first-born national son (Exodus 4:22).
It’s one of the great paradoxes in life that God is trying to get Christians to look forward to the return of the Messiah, knowing already Who He is, while at the same time He is trying to get the Jewish people to look backward to see Who He is.
There remains today, according to the Scriptures, a {“remnant according to the election of grace”|Rom 11:3-5} among the Jews, whose circumcision is {of the heart|Rom 2:29}. I sure hope to find them.
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