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Preaching by: John J. Malone, Sr - JABSBG*

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Is the Papacy Dead? - Comments (6)

Printer Friendly Category: Applied,Articles,Roman Catholicism
Author: John Malone
Date: 12th April, 2005 @ 05:08:51 AM

Is the Papacy dead? Hardly.

The latest Pope is dead and buried. It’s all I can do but get sick over the fawning over a man who, during his life, led more people toward the lake of fire than anyone else in this century. Considering the length of his tenure, he ranks near the top of the all-time list of deceivers.

That’s in the press poll if not in the coaches’ poll.

Will no one of reputation tell the truth? Namely, that, like all Popes, this most recent Pope advanced the cause of false religion, against simple faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, to the confusion of hundreds of millions, if not a billion people!

Traditionally within Protestantism, the Papacy has been regarded as the whore, being carried by the {political beast|Rev 13:15-18}, who is drunken with the blood of God’s people! Today, so-called Protestants – from Billy Graham to Chuck Colson, and President Bush – are falling all over one another to sing the praises of one, who is by every evidence, more welcome in hell than heaven.

If you consider this statement even potentially audacious, I suggest you examine the following facts:

The Lord Jesus Christ {taught|Mat 23:9} to call no one on earth “Father” (spiritually) because we have one Father in Heaven.

This Pope (which means “father’) called HIMSELF “HOLY FATHER” and required and accepted others to do the same.

The Lord Jesus Christ {said|Jo 14:6} He was the only Way, Truth, and Life, and none can come to the Father except through Him.

This Pope had special devotion to the “Queen of Heaven” – whom He falsely names “the Virgin Mary” (as if the mother of Jesus Christ were still alive and in a body, and as if she remained a virgin after the Lord Jesus was born) – and was buried with the heathen “rosary” draped in his casket. All of this is pagan practice, and not Christian by any measure.

This Pope did not believe in the {finished work|Jo 19:30} of Jesus Christ to save him from his sins and to give him eternal life, but instead clung to useless sacramentalism – and PERPETRATED this system – to his last breath. This is his hopeless legacy.

This Pope continued to reinforce the inherited pagan and perverted celibate priestcraft of Romanism which has far more to do with Babylon and Nimrod than the church of Jesus Christ, and the apostle Peter.

So perhaps it was fitting that one of those elevated to prominence during the recent parade around the Pope’s death was Cardinal Law of Boston, who spent a good deal of his career secreting off predatory pedophiles: wolves in wolf’s clothing.

The corrupt stench of Papal Rome is yet to reach its climax. The same system that locked up the Scriptures from the common man, conducted the Inquisition, and then made a concordat with Hitler, is even now making its secret alliances with who-knows-whom in order to bring to greater prominence and wealth a religious and political system that has commonly corrupted mankind since Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah, and the first Pope.

And this last Pope fit right into that line.

Comment by Mike Floren » 21st April, 2005 @ 03:00:08 PM

Let me catch my breath. I appreciate your candor (and fine sense of humor). You are a rare one to suggest the Pope is welcome in hell. But, you draw a reasonable conclusion. Clearly, the Catholic faith does not emphasize the finished work of Christ as our salvation. Thanks for explaining things.

Comment by chesterchi » 3rd December, 2005 @ 05:55:02 PM

you have given me a bolt of light. never liked Rome and all it stood for but never realized the depth of deception. thanks.

Comment by Ray » 6th July, 2007 @ 06:25:31 AM

“This Pope (which means “father’) called HIMSELF “HOLY FATHER” and required and accepted others to do the same.”

Interesting, the Apostles called themselves “Fathers”. Why is this a contradiction then?

Comment by John Malone » 8th July, 2007 @ 02:13:37 PM

The apostles called themselves “fathers?” Not so.

Others have referred to “church fathers,” but not the apostles.

The vernacular of “the fathers,” meaning ancestors, is used relatively often.

Perhaps you can advise us why the Lord Jesus said to call no man on earth “Father.”

Comment by Nenad Ikonomovski » 8th July, 2007 @ 09:35:35 PM

I completely agree with John. I was very disturbed and saddened when I heard many Evangelical leaders, whom I held in high regard, saying things like “great evangelist” and leader of the Christian world about John Paul II when he died. I was shocked and sick to my stomach.

It is so sad to see evangelicals being seduced by the “Mother of Harlots”. I see that ugly religious spirit creeping into the Church so often. It all happens because people neglect guarding their hearts and minds through constant meditation on the Word of God.

Comment by David Ulmer » 9th March, 2008 @ 02:22:09 AM

I suggest you read JPII’s first Encyclical on Jesus as our Redeemer. If you do know Jesus Christ, you will enjoy it immensely. Here’s a link:

May the LORD Jesus Christ be with you.

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